Friday, December 04, 2009

Lists: My Top 100 Albums of the 2000s - 31 to 20

30. Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - The Letting Go

'My love, my love, my careful love/I only want to lay with you/my love, my love/o! careful love/I found the hard way love is true.'

Sufjan Stevens - Illinoise

'Oooooooooh/history repeats itself.'

28. Yo La Tengo - And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out

'Where'd my mind go?/Out of tune.'

27. Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca

'After-all that-we've been-throoough/I see you along the way, baby/stillness is the move.'

26. The Decemberists - Castaways and Cutouts

'Grace Cathedral Hill/all wrapped in bones of setting sun/all dust and stone and moribund/I paid 25c to light a little white candle.'

25. Sufjan Stevens - Michigan

'Our Grandpa died in a hospital gown/she didn't seem to care/she smoked in her room and coloured her hair.'

24. Atlas Sound - Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See But Cannot Feel

'Quarantined and kept/so far away/from my friends'.

23. Jens Lekman - Night Falls Over Kortedala

'I was slicing up an avocado/when you came up behind me/with your silent brand new sneakers/your reflection I did not see/it was the hottest day in August/we were heading for the sea/for a second my mind started drifting and you put your arms around me/blood sprayed on the kitchen sink/'what's this?' I had time to think/I see the tip of my index finger/my mind is slowly creating a link'.

22. Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant EP

'Days are just drops in the river to be lost/always'.

Deerhunter - Cryptograms

'I saw the curtains/it was the end/when one life is over a new one begins'.


// said...

This definately is the best part of your list!

Daniel said...

thanks Birte, hope you agree with some of them!
